Describe strengths and achievements



In today's fast-paced international business environment, we need to be able to constantly learn, develop and improve. It's important to describe our strengths and achievements and talk about them with colleagues and your manager.

  • Describe strengths
  • Talk about achievements
  • Descrive achievements in detail


Describe your strengths


A: I usually meet my deadlines.


A: What are your strengths?

B: I think one of my strengths is that I contribute a lot of ideas.


A: I see myself as confident.


Descirbe your achievement


A: What goals have you achieved this year?

B: When I was working in the business development team, I signed up three new clients. As a result, we increased our profit by 12%.


A: I suggested an improvement to the tech team. As a result, more customers are using the website.


Describe how you feel about your achievement


A: How do you feel about your achievement?

B: I'm pleased that my team solved the problem customers were having.


A: How do you feel about your achievement?

B: I'm glad I've improved my time management.