Define your personal goals



It's important to learn how to define your paersonal goals, so that you can talk about them with your manager.


  • Talk about interests
  • Suggest improvements
  • Describe a personal goals


Talk about your interests

A: What are you interested in?

B: I enjoy doing creative tasks. / I'm keen on doing creative tasks.


A: What motivates you?

B: I'm motivated by working as part of a team. / I get satisfaction by working as part a team.


Describe your motivations

A: I find working independently rewarding.


Describe what you need to improve and your experience level

A: Is there anything you need to improve?

B: I need to improve my ability to delegate tasks.


A: I've never done any training in project management.


Share a personal goal

A: What is your parsonal goal?

B: I'd like to work on a project with the sales team.


A: I want to manage somebody this year.


A: I need to work on my productivity.


A: I need to work on my productivity, so I can do better work in a shorter time.