
asked toの発音がうまくいかない

but three people asked to take part at the last minute. しかしギリギリで、さらに3人追加したいと言っています。

Q&A ed plus th pronunciation

www.youtube.com 過去形edプラスtheと現在形プラスtheの違い https://youtu.be/AKAoR_0eSu4?t=17 ~00:38 似たような音が続く場合、二番目の音だけが残る。edの「ドゥ」とtheの「ズゥ」の音は似ており、edの「ドゥ」という音がほとんど聞こえない。 https://y…


・BMC Softwareの社名は創業者3人の名字からきている。 en.wikipedia.org www.itreview.jp ・Outlookを1行表示にする。 www.ikt-s.com ・ロジクールのUnifyingレシーバーの設定方法 pc-karuma.net


・MIMECAST SERVICES LTD www.americabu.com ・Inc.はIncorporated www.quicktranslate.com ・NetScout Systemsの日本国内正規代理店はSCSK ja.wikipedia.org ・Gigamonはデジタルセキュリティ会社 www.gigamon.com ・Commvaultはデータ保護ビジネスの会社 w…


・tongue twister englishhub.jp ・yield to~: ~に屈する www.etymonline.com


・MotherとFatherの発音は違う www.youtube.com ・Plunge: 突っ込む ・overnight: 一夜にして ・bang: 音を立てる ja.englishcentral.com With a bang: 大々的に www.gabastyle.com www.youtube.com ・語源から単語を覚える user.keio.ac.jp


006 stick: 動けなくする I got stuck in a traffic jam. 007 pedestrian:歩行者 In Japan, drivers must yield to pedestrians. www.youtube.com


・boothの複数形の発音 www.learnersdictionary.com detail.chiebukuro.yahoo.co.jp ・hubrisの意味は「自信過剰」 When I looked at you, all I saw was another victim of my hubris. www.youtube.com www.youtube.com ・ブラウザで選択した単語をドラッグ…


・Dare I say: あえて言わせてもらうと www.youtube.com ・Specification: 6個のシラブルは丁寧に発音。 www.youtube.com ・英語はリズム重視型の方が通じる。 yumenavi.info ・particularの発音に注意。 www.youtube.com


・ペタバイト通信 ja.wikipedia.orgoptronics-media.com ・債券投資は株式が割高の時に楽天ポイントのためだけに実施する? www.y-strategies.com ・Youtubeに目次を設定する方法 unicorn-blog.jp ・OXCの資料 OXC資料 https://www.ntt.co.jp/rd-disc/nttrd/…


・anatomically: 解剖学的に www.youtube.com


・attorney: 弁護士。発音が難しい。下記動画で復習するように。 www.youtube.com ・FEC: 前方誤り訂正。Forward error correctionの略。40Gや100Gの通信で重要。 community.fs.com ・

【English Central】リーマンショックを振り返って①

ja.englishcentral.com 1. 単語 administration: 政府 seek, sought, sought: 探す Cosumer advocate: 消費者運動活動家 regulatory: 規制する reform: 改革、改善 overhaul: 徹底的な調査 ought to: ~すべきである foster: 促進する、育成させる recklessn…

Turn goals into objectives

Background Turn goals into objectives Suggest actions Agree on next steps Background It's important to learn how to turn goals into objectives, so you can take your personal goals and align with you company objectives. Connect company and …

Define your personal goals

Background Talk about your interests Describe your motivations Describe what you need to improve and your experience level Share a personal goal Background It's important to learn how to define your paersonal goals, so that you can talk ab…

Describe strengths and achievements

Background In today's fast-paced international business environment, we need to be able to constantly learn, develop and improve. It's important to describe our strengths and achievements and talk about them with colleagues and your manage…

Communicate important information

Background share information deal with interruption communicate important information with reason focus the conversation provide further information save questions invite questions talk about possibilities End a meeting Background A surver…

Contribute to a meeting

background make a suggestion the questions to ask for feedback bring people in open the questions to others check the progress of the meeting with your team appreciate their time at the end of a meeting background Cultual differences can s…

Communicate online effectively

Background: Ask for information: Start the meeting: Keep the conversation going: End a call: Background: Communicating online can be a challenge because it's easy to misunderstand a message and people communicate in different ways. Ask for…

Participate in a negotiation

Modules Make a good start Have a constructive conversation End on good terms Participate in a negotiation Words Make a good start -交渉の開始 I'd like to tal with you about ... -議題に対して立場を明確化 That sounds good. I'm afraid that do…


1. Conversation for making a deal A: I'm really happy to keep working on this project, but I need more time. My contract finishes next week. B: Let's try to make a deal. I can extend your contract by six months. / We both want to come to a…


1. responding constructively We can do that for you next month. -I'm afraid that doesn't work for us., but I'm sure we can reach an agreement. I'm not sure we can agree to that, but let's keep talking. That's not really what we had in mind…


■交渉の開始 I'd like to tal with you about ... ■議題に対して立場を明確化 That sounds good. I'm afraid that doesn't work. ■上司に説明する際のオープニング Hello, Manager. Thank you fora taking time to talk with me today. ■部下からの相談をや…


・苦情対応の重要性 ・ネット社会では顧客は簡単に苦情を出せる。 ・苦情対応を製品やサービスの改善に活用することが重要。 ・苦情表現を理解する ・damaged, overcharged, rude, faulty ・I'm afraid, I don't like how, There's a problem with, I,m unha…


1. Respond quickly Thanks for your feedback. We're sorry to hear that your delivery was late. Thanks for letting us know that our service is slow. We appreciate your feedback. 2. Involve colleague(pass on feedback) Could you take a look at…