Communicate important information





A survery of 400 large corporations showed that miscommunication between team members cost organisations $62.4 million(≒62億円) per year in lost productivity. We need to communicate important information effectively, so we can help reduce the cost of miscommunication for our company. 

  • Share information
  • Manage conversation
  • Respond to questions


share information


A: I just wanted to let you know that we're hiring a new manager.


deal with interruption


A: If I could just finish my point.


A: Just a second.


A: I'm almost done.


communicate important information with reason


A: We're doing this in order to improve the product.


A: We took this decision because we want to become more efficient.


A: We want to do this so that we can become more efficient.


focus the conversation


A: As I wasa saying,


A: To continue,


A: To finish up,


provide further information


A: We need to hand it over by Friday.


save questions


Please save your questions later.


invite questions


A: Does anyone have any concerns?


A: What do you think?


talk about possibilities


A: We might have to hand this over earlier, but I'll confirm the deadline later.


A: We may have to hand this over earlier, but I'll confirm the deadline earlier.


A: We could work in two teams, but I'll share the project plan when it's ready.


End a meeting


That's all for my presentation.